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Jan 5, 20240 min read

Dec 7, 20234 min read
TEDxBangkok 2023: Unexpectedly fruitful experience
Pre-COVID era, TEDxBangkok has been an event that I was pretty much looking forward to attending every year. The event is filled to the...
Apr 17, 20233 min read
On Letting Go
Practice Letting Go is one of my most yoga video to practice with on Alo Move. It has calming effect and is really a good hip opener...
Jan 2, 20237 min read
Journey to the manager role
I have been known and praised as a person who progress at my own pace at the firm and for shaping my own journey – be it my...

Jun 10, 20222 min read
Why I write: words don't capture; they release
I have been in love with writing since I was in middle school. I started first with writing a few fictions – some finished, some...

Jun 3, 20223 min read
Practicing through Injuries
“Practicing yoga is risky. You need to accept the risk of potential injury.” This should be added as disclaimer to anyone who is thinking...

Jun 1, 20222 min read
About Ego
It is funny how ego can be built up over time without being noticed until someone pokes holes. Then, a certain “defensive” reaction comes...

May 30, 20225 min read
Fire Breathing Technique First Move – Toe Tap: My first 3 months with Ashtanga practice
As I started writing this, I have already practiced yoga for about five years now. It has also been about five years that I have been a...

Jun 19, 20214 min read
The card that was never sent
This small card painted just last Friday as a get-well card for my dad, who was hospitalized in the hospital for over a month. This was...

May 26, 20217 min read
Wabi Sabi - Being the best imperfect self you can be
Something good can arise from a stroll. This is something I learned from the book – both the content and my experience of finding the...

May 23, 20214 min read
New Beginning: The age of self-care and self-love
The past May 19 marked my 29th birthday, and it felt just a bit daunting. I’m hitting my last year before the magic 3 number (30 years...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 7
Finally, the last day of the “retreat”. This gave me a mixed feeling of both relief and not wanting this to end. What I wrote on my to-do...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 6
This was the day that I started to get used to the grueling practices; however, it was also the day that I started to feel the physical...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 5
This was probably the toughest day for me to get through due to so many distractions that kept reining in throughout the entire day. I...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 4
The impact of over exertion in my body can really be felt when I lay down on my bed. On the night of my third day, with a lot of back...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 3
I finally adjusted my operating model for writing this blog post. For the first two days, I wrote this at the end of the day – after all...

May 22, 20214 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 2
First practice I started off the second day with an hour-long vinyasa practice called Energizing Vinyasa with Patrick Beach, whose...

May 22, 20213 min read
The Golden Week – Yoga, Painting, Reading, and Reflecting: Day 1
This is the first day of the seven full days of me being with myself, doing what I love, and really being isolated by choice. This is the...

Apr 18, 20216 min read
Familiar Yet Different
It’s been four months since I have arrived back in Thailand. While I was gone, my dad has moved all of our belongings to the new house...

Oct 21, 20203 min read
Friendship and redemption
Today, I’m writing with a heavy and numb heart about a friendship that has come to an end. I’m not entirely sure what am I looking for...

Oct 19, 20202 min read
Depression Diary – the masked shell
Over the past weeks, I have been listening to an audiobook called “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” by a psychologist Lori Gottlieb. It...

Oct 8, 20204 min read
Depression Diary: The start of a new journey
I have been very absent from writing up my reflection and my feeling very recently. It may have been because my depression has been much...

Aug 5, 20202 min read
Depression Diary: Check-in
It is now the third day of solo travel. I have been doing okay. Despite the heat, Malta has been quite therapeutic. The beach, the heat,...
Aug 2, 20202 min read
Depression Diary: The start of something new
Dear Diary It’s finally time for my solo travel. The morning was very hectic with me trying to move out of my current apartment (only to...

Jul 28, 20202 min read
Depression Diary: Imposter?
Dear Diary It has been 2-3 days without any anxiety, but it acted up again. I hate the feeling of not being able to control my body....

Jul 25, 20201 min read
Depression Diary: Another down day
Dear diary Remember what I said about feeling disconnected and lonely. The feeling started to kick back again today. Perhaps, luckily due...

Jul 23, 20201 min read
Depression Diary: New Dosage - New Experience
Dear diary It’s the second day of taking new medication and new dosage. At first, I thought the medication will not be that useful;...

Jul 20, 20202 min read
Depression Diary: The Second Wave
Dear Diary Yesterday was rough. The day before, I was drinking so much that I blacked out – the first time I actually blacked out – can...

Jul 18, 20203 min read
Depression Diary: Ups and Downs
Dear Diary The past few days have been tough, but yesterday and today have been quite good. I guess, on top of managing myself through...

Jul 14, 20202 min read
Depression Diary: Words worth a thousand feeling
Over the past few days, my depression took turn for the worst. It was not just a bad feeling, but rather near suicidal. This is how...
Jul 12, 20201 min read
Depression Diary: As struggles continue
Dear diary I was hunting for leftover alcohol, walking around the apartment all night, and try to think of ways to distract myself all...
Jul 12, 20201 min read
Depression Diary: The struggle is still real...
Dear diary It’s been a while since my first report of how sucks my life has been through the first week of medication. It turned out that...

Jun 22, 20203 min read
Depression Diary: The beginning
It’s been five days already since I have been diagnosed as “clinically depressed” with mild depression, and I’m not going to lie – life...
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