I have been in love with writing since I was in middle school. I started first with writing a few fictions – some finished, some unfinished. Then, I continued with journaling from the time I was in university until now. I have also claimed on many occasions that I am better a writer than a speaker. Writing is my preferred mode of communication.

Despite my long-term relationship with writing, I don’t really have a clear reason why I love writing so much. It may be because, as I said, I have always been better at writing than any other expressive approach to communication. It may also be that I love the feeling of writing on physical paper with a fountain pen. I also cannot deny that I also want to utilize my ink collection to the fullest. However, I have recent ran into a quote in a book by my most recent favorite author Matt Haig – The Comfort Book:
“Words don’t capture; they release.”
This simple quote hit a home run for me somehow. I guess it has to do with the fact that I pour my heart and feeling into my journal. Things that I can’t speak to a single soul are there. Thinking bank, even in the depth of my depression back in 2020, writing was still man main outlet for expressing complex thoughts and feelings – though in a more creative form – poetry. Writing is where I can be brutally honest.
It is similar to how people in sing in a musical. The character sings when they cannot really speak out in a normal conversation – or it’s not effective to do so. The same relationship goes for me and writing.
Apart from releasing my inner feeling and thoughts, I found that writing gave me a uniquely peaceful experience. I think writing is a form of meditation – especially with some instrumental background music.
I must also say though, now that am a tad more careful about my handwriting, I am a little less at peace during my writing session. However, through some practice, and given time, I will surely appreciate the handwork I am putting in at this moment.